Burglary and Housebreaking Insurance
This cover the contents against loss of or damage caused by theft accompanied by forcible and violent entry into or exit from the premises.
Liability Insurance
We can never be too careful especially when it comes to high-risk fields of human endeavor. To mitigate the losses arising out of your own legal liability…
Accident & Life
Accident is always an unforeseen event. Though we are all driven by a sense of self-preservation, being human we are bound to make some fatal and life-threatening mistakes
Fire & Allied Perils Insurance
Fire, they say, is a good servant but a bad master. At Leverage Insurance, we recognize such a paradox of life, and we are trusted to provide you with the right cover against fire…
Transportation Insurance
On land, at sea, in the air, risk is everywhere. But that should not stop your enterprising spirit from actualizing your set business goals or from venturing into new territories..
What is the whole point if after an excellent career, you have nothing to fall back on! To avoid such a regrettable story,